Your deductible and reimbursement level may change upon renewal. Here’s what it means for you.

May 3, 2023 - 4 min read
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ManyPets launched in the US in March 2021. Since then, we’ve covered tens of thousands of dogs and cats and paid out millions of dollars in claims. And we’ve learned a great deal about just what it takes to make vet care more affordable for pet parents around the country.

Now, to keep premiums under control and make sure our policy offerings remain valuable for all customers, we’ve had to make changes to some of our policy offerings. When your current policy renews for another year, certain deductible and reimbursement level options will no longer be available in most states.* As a result, existing policyholders may see automatic changes to their current policy selections.

We always strive to be honest and straightforward with our customers; we want you to make the best possible decisions for you and your pet(s). Read this post to learn which options will no longer be available, and how your insurance policy may change.

*These changes are not applicable to policyholders whose pets reside in New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, or Washington state. 

Potential Changes to Your Policy

Moving forward, most existing ManyPets customers will no longer be able to renew their insurance policies with reimbursement levels of 100%, or with deductibles of $0 or $100. In most states, customers currently enrolled in any of these selections will see automatic changes to their policies upon their policy’s annual renewal. (Customers will see no automatic changes related to deductibles and/or reimbursement levels if their pets reside in New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, or Washington state.)

As a reminder:

  • Your deductible is the amount of money you'll pay out of pocket before your insurance policy starts to reimburse you.

  • Your reimbursement level is the amount your policy will reimburse for each approved claim after your deductible is met. For example, if your policy has an 80% reimbursement level, the amount you’re personally responsible for (after you’ve met your deductible) is 20% per approved claim.

When your insurance policy renews on your one-year policy anniversary, you may have a new deductible, a new reimbursement level, or both.

Here’s a breakdown of how your deductible will change, depending on your current selections:

If your policy features a deductible of [$]... And you reside in… $0 $100 $250 $500 or more
New Jersey ...your deductible increases to $500 ...your deductible increases to $500 No change No change
California ...your deductible increases to $500 ...your deductible increases to $500 ...your deductible increases to $500 No change
All Other States (except NH, NY, PA, WA) ...your deductible increases to $250 ...your deductible increases to $250 No change No change
NH, NY, PA, or WA No change No change No change No change

And here’s a breakdown of how your reimbursement percentage will change, depending on your current selections:

If your policy features a reimbursement percentage of [%]... And you reside in… 80% or lower 90% 100%
New Jersey No change No change ...your reimbursement level decreases to 80%
California No change ...your reimbursement level decreases to 80% ...your reimbursement level decreases to 80%
All Other States (except NH, NY, PA, WA) No change No change ...your reimbursement level decreases to 80%
NH, NY, PA, or WA No change No change No change

While these are the default changes, you may have other options. For customers outside of NH, NY, PA, or WA, the maximum reimbursement level will be 80% and the minimum deductible will be $250 ($500 in New Jersey). But ManyPets also offers deductibles of $500, $750, and $1,000, and a reimbursement level of 70%. So if you’d prefer any of these options over the default, just call our customer support team.

Why Are These Changes Necessary?

We wouldn’t be making these changes if we didn’t have to.

After two years of insuring cats and dogs around the US, we know what it takes to deliver the best-in-class coverage our customers have come to expect. And the numbers are inescapable: We can’t preserve all our deductible and reimbursement level options without dramatically raising monthly premiums. Nobody wants that.

In the end, these adjustments will help us take care of your pet when they’re unexpectedly sick or hurt — without causing a steep increase in your monthly payments.

The Good News: It’s Better for Your Premiums

Here’s the silver lining: Though you’ll see a higher deductible and lower reimbursement level, your monthly premiums will likely be lower than they would have been without these changes. Ordinarily, monthly premiums increase each year. But for customers who migrate into higher deductibles or lower reimbursement levels, the majority will pay lower monthly costs than they did last term.* 

Not every customer will experience outright decreases in monthly cost compared to last term. But even the customers who do see slight price increases are likely to see lower premiums than they would have had they maintained their lower deductibles and higher reimbursement levels.

In truth, your overall out-of-pocket costs may not change that much, and there’s a chance they could be lower, especially if you don’t need to file many claims next term. This is why we give customers the option to choose higher deductibles and lower reimbursement levels to begin with. 

If your insurance policy is renewing soon, expect an email from us explaining your next term’s policy details. (You may have received this email already.) Be sure to compare your next term’s premiums to your current premiums. You may like what you see. 

*Premiums may increase and prices may vary as subjected to rate and rule filing approvals by state.

Our Promise to You

We know this news might come as a surprise. And it’s certainly not our goal for such changes to become a regular feature of our policy offerings. This was a tough but necessary decision. But we promise you this: No matter what, we’ll always keep you informed so you can make the best possible choices for both you and your pet(s).

And if full transparency means you decline to renew your coverage, well, we’d be sorry to see you go. But at the end of the day, your trust means the world to us.

Speaking of which, we’re honored that you’ve trusted us to look after your furry family member. We hope you’ll stay in the ManyPets Pack. We remain committed to offering excellent coverage and the very best in customer service.

If you have any questions about these updates, please don't hesitate to reach out to our team at 1-888-978-5291, or at