What does pet insurance cover?

April 29, 2024 - 7 min read
A fluffy white and brown Persian cat peering out from inside a cardboard box, with a slightly grumpy expression, on a light grey background.

We hope your pet never needs insurance. In an ideal world, your furry family member would never get sick or hurt. Unfortunately, pets do sometimes need expensive vet care.

And in a worst-case scenario, pet insurance may be the only tool that lets you seek the right care instead of under-treating them or even opting for euthanasia.

Before you can understand the true value of pet insurance, it's important to know what it actually covers. Let’s dive in.

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Nose-to-tail pet insurance

Coverage for every wag and whisker

Get great coverage for all your furry family members and enjoy peace of mind with no annual payout limits or pesky hidden fees.

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What does pet insurance cover?

Some pet insurance companies offer accident-only coverage. The problem is that many, if not most, unanticipated veterinary costs are illness-related. That’s why ManyPets offers nose-to-tail coverage for both accidents and illnesses in all policies.

At the risk of insulting your vocabulary, we’ll go ahead and define those terms:

Accident: Any unexpected and unintended incident, including road accidents, poisonings, and foreign body ingestions. If your pup chases a squirrel into traffic or your cat hurts its paw jumping from a tree, their condition may qualify for coverage under your accident and illness policy.

Illness: This is any sickness or disease that isn’t accident-related. Your four-legged friend may be covered for anything from an ear infection to cancer in dogs or cats.

(There’s also “condition,” a catch-all term that encompasses both accidents and illnesses.)

Looking for more specific answers? Read on.

Does pet insurance cover surgery?

Yes, ManyPets pet insurance may cover any procedures needed to treat a covered accident or illness

Does pet insurance cover medication?

Yes, ManyPets pet insurance may cover any vet-prescribed meds prescribed to treat a covered accident or illness

Does pet insurance cover vet visits?

A brown and white Husky gets weighed at the vets.

Yes, ManyPets pet insurance may cover vet visits—including exams, blood tests, x-rays, diagnostics, and the costs of any supplies used—if they're related to a covered accident or illness. (Routine checkups may be partially reimbursed under the ManyPets Wellness Plan rather than insurance. More on that later.)

Interestingly enough, however, not all pet insurance companies do cover sick exam fees.

In recent years, technological advancements have led vets to adopt a more and more sophisticated slate of diagnostic tools. But as these tools get more sophisticated, they also get more expensive. X-rays or blood tests can cost hundreds of dollars. Biopsies or MRIs can cost thousands. Nowadays, diagnostics account for a pretty big chunk of overall pet healthcare costs. In some cases — for instance, when your vet examines a tumor that turns out to be benign — diagnostics can wind up being your primary expense.

Does pet insurance cover dental conditions?

Yes, ManyPets pet insurance may cover dental accidents or illnesses, including periodontitis and broken teeth. (Routine cleanings may be partially reimbursed under the ManyPets Wellness Plan rather than insurance.)

Does pet insurance cover alternative treatments?

Yes, ManyPets pet insurance may cover alternative treatments like acupuncture, hydrotherapy, or chiropractic treatment, provided it's administered by a vet to treat a covered accident or illness.

Does pet insurance cover hospitalization?

Yes, ManyPets pet insurance may cover boarding at a veterinary clinic as required by your veterinarian.

Does pet insurance cover euthanasia and cremation?

Yes, ManyPets pet insurance may cover these...but for now, let’s just think about keeping your pet safe as long as possible

The bottom line: The ManyPets pet insurance policy can reimburse you for approved claims related to an accident or illness. And all ManyPets policies cover both accidents and illnesses. There’s no limit to how many claims you can file, and there's no annual limit on payouts for approved claims.

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Nose-to-tail pet insurance

Coverage for wet noses and all four paws

Focus on your pet's health instead of worrying about your bank account.

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Does pet insurance cover cancer treatments?

Yes, absolutely.* A pet insurance policy that didn’t cover cancer wouldn’t be much of a policy at all. This is one reason why it's wise to insure your pet when they’re still young; doing so helps ensure that costly conditions like cancer won’t pre-exist your pet’s policy, and you won’t have to worry about exclusions from reimbursement.

Cancer is all too common in our pets. About 1 in 4 dogs and about 1 in 5 cats will be diagnosed at some point in their lives. Not surprisingly, cancer is one of the leading causes of death for both dogs and cats. Unfortunately, in some cases, the treatment process can cost pet parents well over $10,000. That's because modern veterinary cancer regimens now involve treatments that are very similar to the ones used on humans, including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery.

Tragically, the high costs of cancer treatment often lead pet parents to choose euthanasia, even when treatment is available. As common as cancer is in our pets, it undoubtedly would be less deadly if pet parents always had the financial resources to treat it.

* Coverage is for non-pre-existing conditions. ManyPets can only reimburse claims if your pet 's condition has been free of treatment, symptoms and diagnosis for a specified period of time before purchasing your policy—at least 18 months in most states. See your own state's policy for details.

A medium sized dog wears an e-collar while sitting on the pavement in front of a teal and white building.

What does pet insurance NOT cover?

Pet insurance doesn't cover everything.

Common exclusions include pre-existing conditions, conditions that occur during the initial waiting period, and claims that don't involve an injury or illness, though details may vary by state. ManyPets may also deny claims for accidents or illnesses that resulted from a lack of routine care.

Here are some of the most common questions we get about what's NOT covered:

Does pet insurance cover pre-existing conditions?

No, like other pet insurance companies, ManyPets doesn't cover pre-existing conditions (and this includes conditions that arise during your waiting period). However, unlike some other pet insurance companies, ManyPets may cover a condition if your pet has been free of symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment for a specified period of time—18 months in most states. (See your own state's policy for details.)

Does pet insurance cover wellness exams?

No, pet insurance doesn't cover routine checkups. However, the ManyPets Wellness Plan does provide some reimbursement for these vital preventative exams.

Does pet insurance cover vaccines?

Veterinarian doctor in blue gloves vaccinating a gray cat with striking orange eyes.

No, ManyPets pet insurance doesn't cover your pet's routine shots. However, the ManyPets Wellness Plan does provide some reimbursement for routine vaccines.

Does pet insurance cover teeth cleanings?

No, ManyPets pet insurance doesn't cover routine teeth cleanings or other elective procedures, though the ManyPets Wellness Plan will indeed provide some reimbursement for this critical dental care.

Does pet insurance cover spaying and neutering?

No, ManyPets pet insurance doesn't cover spaying or neutering—but keep in mind this is a one-time expense. And before you ask, yes, you should get your pet spayed or neutered when they're the right age.

Does pet insurance cover young or senior pets?

For the most part, yes, but there are some narrow exceptions. Puppies and kittens must be at least 8 weeks old for coverage, and older dogs and cats who are older than 14 can't be enrolled for new coverage, though pets with existing coverage can remain insured up to any age.

For a complete list of exclusions, review your own state's policy details.

“I always advise new pet owners to obtain pet insurance during their first visit with me,” said Dr. Katie Grzyb of Skyline Veterinary Specialists in Matthews, North Carolina, who recently spoke to ManyPets.

It’s great advice. There’s no such thing as a pre-existing condition if you insure your pup or kitten before they’ve ever been sick.

Two dogs in a field of bluebells; a Boston Terrier in the foreground with a pink collar, and a black Cocker Spaniel in a red collar behind, enjoying the sun with blue skies and greenery around.

How does the ManyPets Wellness Plan differ from insurance?

As you may have noticed, we’ve used the words “accident” and “illness” throughout this article. That’s what our policy coverage includes, after all. But that does leave out preventive and routine care.

And preventive care is essential for all pets at any age. For puppies and kittens, establishing a vet visit schedule ensures that they receive all the critical vaccines and boosters they need. Young adult pets need regular veterinary care to protect against parasites, infections, and diseases. And many pets intentionally hide problems or pain, so ongoing preventive care might help you diagnose problems you’d never have picked up on otherwise.

That's where the ManyPets Wellness Plan comes in.

The optional, non-insurance ManyPets Wellness plan can reimburse you up to $600 per year—or, more specifically, up to $150 per year—in each of the following categories:

Purchasing a Wellness Plan in addition to your insurance policy can help prepare you for both the routine and the unexpected.


ManyPets Wellness Plan for Cats and Dogs

Save on preventative care for your furry friends

The non-insurance ManyPets Wellness Plan can help reimburse you for the cost of routine and preventative care, including routine vet visits and certain over-the-counter products.


Is pet insurance worth it?

Pet insurance is absolutely worth it.

When your pet’s treatments are covered under a pet insurance policy, you're far less likely to empty your savings account just because your four-legged friend got hurt or sick.

Just as important, you won’t have to avoid treatment—or worse, choose euthanasia—just because you can’t afford your vet bills. And with a Wellness Plan, you can even get reimbursed for a lot of those inevitable, routine costs of preventive care.

If you’re serious about keeping your four-legged friend safe, or even if you just want peace of mind, you should absolutely look into getting your pet covered. Get a pet insurance quote today.

David Teich
Lead Editor

David oversees content strategy and development at ManyPets. As Lead Editor, he focuses on delivering accurate information related to pet care and insurance. David’s editorial background spans more than a decade, including a pivotal role at Digiday, where he wrote content and managed relationships with media and tech companies. As an Associate Editor at Cynopsis Media, David wrote the Cynopsis Digital newsletter and interviewed executives and digital marketing experts in the TV industry. His background also includes film journalism. His diverse experiences in journalism and marketing underpins his role in shaping content within the pet care industry.